About Us

Bethany World mission is a Non-Profit social organization.Our goals are to reach 200 villages over a period of ten years, establish a community center in each village with the aide of 50 social workers, initiate an AIDS awareness program,Leading health care program for underprivileged and elderly people, establish and maintain education for girls, establish one training center for social workers. In each and every village, setup counseling centers to reach the people hand-in-hand with social service and build and sustain a rehabilitation center. BWM stands in solidarity with poorest among the poor who are marginalized, displaced, uprooted, exploited, victimized and alienated in our economically globalizing, privatizing and modernizing world .


Building up a just society where equality and quality is cherished as envisioned by Isaiah and Jesus .To liberate societies from racism , casteism and other divisive force which is the root cause of all evils in our world.

"Sowing the seeds of love of Christ in every heart is the only way"


Inspired and Motivated by the life and teaching and unconditional love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Bethany World Mission as guided by the spirit of God, is dedicated to be a partner in the mission of god in the transformation of the whole creation.

Our Activities

Community Center

Home for Homeless

Health care


Rag Pickers

Skill Development